Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Trivia Night - Saturday 6th September 2014



Saturday 6th September 2014

7 pm -10:30 pm

Coburg Town Hall


BYO food and drinks

18+ years event


Support the club that supports your kids.


Each Ticket will be in the draw for a family voucher to a game of Melbourne United (formerly Tigers) Basketball Club ($55)


Silent Auctions will offer a great range of donated items, meal and event vouchers.
Bring all your spare change as there will be gold coin games and raffles with great prizes.
And of course bring a brain full of all those little bits of weird knowledge and facts that you’ve accumulated over the years.


Get together your own table of ten or join others at table.  Any questions ring Luci on 0413 406 208 or ask your team manager.