Sunday, August 27, 2017

Here is the schedule for Saturday 2nd September , last fixtured game for all u/12's to u/20's before finals

Please note u/8's and u/10's have 2 more games left after this weekend ..They do not have finals ...Their season ends Saturday 16th September and they will receive participation trophies for their presentation on that day 
Games for Saturday 2nd of  September 2017
Round eighteen (18)
8.30 - Jaguars (crt2), Leopards (crt4), Cavs (CSH5),
9.15 -  Doves (crt3), Ravens (SJGS7) 
10.00 - Panthers (SJGS7) 
10.45 - Knights (crt2), Eagles v Bucks (crt3), Thunderbolts (PVGS6),
11.30 - Rockets (crt1), Pumas (crt3), United (crt4), City (CSH5),
12.15 - Colts (crt2), Opals v Vixens (crt4),  
1.00 - Emeralds (crt1), Lightning (CSH5), Cheetahs (SJGS7) 
1.45 - Sapphires (crt3), Diamonds (crt4), 
2.30 - Lions (crt1), Clippers (crt2), Vipers v Victory (crt4), 
3.15 - Heat (crt3),
4.00 - Vikings (crt3),
4.45 - Titans (crt43,
5.30 - Spirit (crt3),Kings (crt4),
Byes: Cougars, Tigers
For clash games the team manager of the first team should contact Liz and organize the white tops.
Good luck all teams.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Games for Saturday 26th of  August 2017
Round seventeen (17)
8.30 - Leopards (crt2), Jaguars (crt4), Cavs v Ravens (CSH5),
9.15 -  Doves (crt4), 
10.00 - Panthers (crt1), Thunderbolts (crt3), Cougars (crt4),
10.45 - Rockets (crt1), Knights (crt2), Eagles (crt4),
11.30 - United v Bucks (crt3), Pumas (crt4), City (CSH5), Opals (PVGS6),
12.15 - Colts (crt1), Vixens (CSH5),
1.00 - Diamonds v Emeralds (crt1), Clippers (crt2), Cheetahs (crt4), Lightning (PVGS6),
1.45 - Lions (crt2), Tigers (crt3),Victory (crt4), Sapphires (SJGS7) 
2.30 - Vipers (crt4), Heat (crt4),
3.15 - Vikings (crt1), 
4.00 - Titans (crt4),
4.45 - No Newlands games
5.30 - Kings (crt3), Spirit (crt4),
For clash games the team manager of the first team should contact Liz and organize the white tops.
Good luck all teams.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Skylights – Condensation Issue Coburg Basketball Stadium
Update from Sports stadium Victoria (SSV)
Dear Patrons,

I would like to take this opportunity to provide an update regarding the condensation here at Coburg Basketball Stadium.

We Sports Stadiums Victoria, who manage this site on behalf of Moreland City Council – (This site is a council asset and owned by Moreland City Council) have been lobbying with The Coburg Basketball Association for well over 12 months now to invest in improvements here at the stadium, with the roofing being high on the agenda. To date we have had no support offered to any redevelopment from the local council.

Please note that my reasoning for mentioning the above is to hopefully gain further user support to apply pressure on the council to invest into this asset.

In mentioning the above please note that we Sports Stadiums Victoria fully understand the frustration experienced by the teams and the parents of the kids participating in these fixtures and we have commenced action in eradicating this ongoing problem through the colder months in the future.

We Sports Stadiums Victoria have engaged the surfaces of Roofrite to take out all the Skylights within the Coburg Basketball Stadium and replace these with insulation and metal roof sheeting. (this is what is on the rest of the roof).

This is a $30,000 job and we Sports Stadiums Victoria will be funding the full upgrade to the roof. We have paid a $10,000 deposit and we are working with Roofrite to set best times for works to be completed.

With such a high usage of the stadium throughout term 3, coupled with our regular domestic and representative programs we are realistically looking at the 2nd week of the school holidays (2nd of October) to have these works completed. This will provide a less disruptive period of time to complete this work.

We thank you for your patience over this colder than normal winter and we appreciate your feedback regarding this matter.

We hope our actions will resolve any ongoing condensation issues moving forward.

Kind Regards

Rod Leonard

Sports Stadiums Victoria

Operations Manager

Monday, August 14, 2017

Games for Saturday 19th of  August 2017
Round sixteen (16)
8.30 - Leopards (crt1), Ravens (PVGS6),
9.15 - Jaguars (crt1), Doves (crt4), 
10.00 - Panthers (crt3), Cougars (crt4),
10.45 - Rockets (crt2), United (crt4), Thunderbolts (CSH5), Bucks (SJGS7)
11.30 - Knights (crt1), Pumas (crt2), City (CSH5), Vixens (PVGS6),
12.15 - Colts (crt1), Opals (crt4),
1.00 - Emeralds v Sapphires (crt1), Lightning (CSH5), Cheetahs (SJGS7)
1.45 - Clippers (crt1), Diamonds (crt4),
2.30 - Heat v Tigers (crt3),
3.15 - Lions (crt1), Victory (crt2), Vipers (crt4),
4.00 - Vikings (crt2),
4.45 - Titans (crt2),
5.30 - Kings (crt3),Spirit (crt4),
Byes: Eagles, Cavs
For clash games the team manager of the first team should contact Liz and organize the white tops.
Good luck all teams.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Hi club members

It is shortly time to finalise the teams for our new and upcoming season.
We have developed a team selection policy to assist this process.
I have attached a copy to this email.

On another topic.
Our club committee meetings have stalled for some time now and the running of the club has fallen on mine, Luci and Liz's shoulders.  We would like to commence our committee meeting once again as I know that we have a lot of talented members who have much to contribute to the running of our club.
In the past each team were required to provide a committee member and it would be great if this could happen again.  Please consider my comments. I would be interested in your thoughts about conducting our meetings and getting the appropriate people to attend.
Liz, Luci or myself will speak with you when we get the opportunity.

On another topic.
We have our Bunnings sausage sizzle on Sunday the 20th and it would be great to have our roster filled with as many people as possible.  Please ask your parents to help as we seem to have the same people all the time.  While these people have a good time and enjoy themselves I am concerned that it is the same people who always assist and it would be great if more people volunteered to help.

Thank you for your time in reading this email and attached policy.  I look forward to your appropriate response.

Kind regards
Newlands President

Team Selection Policy

This policy was written to assist with the selection and structure of all teams. Due to the variances in competition rules, genders and age groups it is not possible to implement one policy for all teams. Therefore all age groups, genders and grades will have their own team selection criteria. Factors considered include the size and numbers, age, more than one team skill level, top up players, make up players and training times. Make up and top up player can only be registered in one team per age group and top up players can only play one age group up after signing the applicable authorization form. Every effort must be made to place new players into suitable teams. Special circumstances will allow changes from the below but this must be approved by the Club President.

 Under 8 (Development competition)
As this is a development competition the team is capped at 12 players depending permission from the CBA administrator to play more than 10 players. Team numbers will always be increased with the view of creating new teams as the numbers increase. Players must be of school age and not under 10 unless special permission has been granted by the CBA Administrator. Mixed teams of boys and girls are encouraged. Training times will depend on the coaches availability although the 4 pm timeslot should be favoured. Make up and top up players are not applicable to this age group.

Under 10 (Development competition)
As this is a development competition the team is capped at 10 players. Team numbers will always be increased with the view of creating new teams as the numbers increase. Players must be under 10 unless special permission has been granted by the CBA Administrator. Separate teams for boys and girls are required. Training times will depend on the coaches availability. Make up and top up players are applicable to this age group. Make up players can be added as registered players after the completion of the grading games. Top up players can be used from the under 8 teams based on player availability and skill level. Top up players are only allowed top up in one team per age group.

Under 12 boys and girls (All grades)
Teams are capped at 10 players. Team numbers will always be increased with the view of creating new teams as the numbers increase. It is preferred to keep the players together in the same team when changing age groups. Players must be under 12 unless special permission has been granted by the CBA Administrator. Separate teams for boys and girls are required. Training times will depend on the coaches availability. Skill level is not applicable as coaches are encouraged to develop all players skills during training sessions and games. Make up and top up players are applicable to this age group. Make up players can be added as registered players after the completion of the grading games. Top up players can be used from the under 10 teams based on player availability and skill level. Top up players are only allowed top up in one team per age group.

Under 14, 16, 18, 20 boys and girls
Teams are capped at 10 players. Team numbers will always be increased with the view of creating new teams as the numbers increase. It is preferred to keep the players together in the same team as age groups change. Players must be under the listed age unless special permission has been granted by the CBA Administrator. Separate teams for boys and girls are required. Training times will depend on the coaches availability although the later times should be favoured. Skill level is not applicable as coaches are encouraged to develop all players skills during training sessions and games. Make up and top up players are applicable to this age group. Make up players can be added as registered players after the completion of the grading games. Top up players can be used from the next younger age group teams based on player availability and skill level. Top up players are only allowed top up in one team.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Games for Saturday 12th of  August 2017
Round fifteen (15)
8.30 - Leopards (crt2), Cavs (CSH5), Ravens (SJGS7)
9.15 - Jaguars (crt1), Doves (crt3), 
10.00 - Panthers (crt2), Cougars (crt4), Bucks (PVGS6), Thunderbolts (SJGS7)
10.45 - Rockets v Knights (crt1), 
11.30 - Eagles v United (crt2), City (CSH5), Vixens (SJGS7)
12.15 - Colts (crt2), Lightning (crt4),
1.00 - Sapphires (crt1), Emeralds (crt3), Vipers (crt4), Cheetahs (CSH5),
1.45 - Clippers (crt1), Victory v Tigers (crt4), Diamonds (CSH5), Heat (PVGS6),
2.30 - Lions (crt1), 
3.15 - Titans (crt3),
4.00 - Vikings (crt2),
4.45 - Spirit  (crt2), 
5.30 - Kings (crt3),
Byes: Pumas, Opals
For clash games the team manager of the first team should contact Liz and organize the white tops.
Good luck all teams.